Peace Counts School builds on the idea that providing role models for peace is particularly relevant for children and youth. Fascinating reportages provide such role models.
The successful examples of peacebuilding presented in the reportages encourage children and young people to take responsibility themselves for their environment and their fellows, and to become active in promoting peace and international understanding between peoples.
Peace Counts School works with the exhibition „Building Peace – an exhibition of successful examples from around the world“ with accompanying workshops for school classes and in-depth didactic materials. The exhibition and the workshops offer space for discussions aways from everyday school life on how to deal with violence and conflicts, present possible solutions and stimluate interest for obtaining further information as well as for possibilities of personal engagement.
Since 2007, several hundred school classes and thousands of pupils throughout Germany have taken part in the programme accompanying the exhibition.
Please continue reading below the gallery
Possibilities to work with Peace Counts in schools
Rent the Exhibition: The roll-up exhibition „Building Peace – an exhibition of successful examples from around the world“ shows a selection of the best reportages from the Peace Counts project. The exhibition was redesigned in 2020 by the Service Center Peace Education Baden-Württemberg together with the Berghof Foundation and Zeitenspiegel. The exhibition can be borrowed from the Service Center Peace Education. You can find a summary of all information on the exhibition, rent conditions and contact details here (in German).
Peace education workshops: If you are interested, the Service Center Peace Education (for schools in Baden-Württemberg) and the Berghof Foundation (for schools in Germany) offer accompanying peace education workshops. These are aimed in particular at pupils and teachers, but can also be requested by other interested target groups. The workshops are conducted by freelance employees who have been trained in terms of peace education content and methodology.
Didactic material: On the website of the Service Center Peace Education, teachers and trainers can find further didactic material with suggestions for working with the exhibition and the reports in lessons, at schools or in extracurricular educational work (in German).

Berghof Foundation Operations gGmbH
Corrensstr. 12
72076 Tübingen
Tel: 07071 – 920 5115
Fax: 07071 – 920 5111
Peace Counts School is a project of Berghof Foundation in cooperation with Culture Counts Foundation and Zeitenspiegel Reportagen.